It’s Black History Month and the theme this year is Time for Change; Action Not Words. We bring you some information on how you can get involved, not just in October, but year round to dedicate continued efforts to break systematic racism in our conscious daily lives, recognize and celebrate the continued contributions Black people have made to our history and how you can help take action now to create change.
We want to ensure we have a continued space for Black creators to share their artistry, skills and content as well their stories and experiences, so have teamed up with EditorialBLK to bring you some amazing editorial looks.
“To get to a better tomorrow, we can’t just focus on the past. The past is in the past. We can acknowledge and learn from it, but to improve the future, we need action, not words. We need to come together around a shared common goal to achieve a better world for everyone.
To ensure real change, we need real support from our allies. It’s time to reset your mindset and support us with actions, not words.”
- Catherine Ross, Black History Month Editorial team
EditorialBLK is about creating real visibility and opportunity for Black editorial artists, whether it's giving Black creators more access to workshops, paid work and financial support. You can find out more about their incredible impact when we catch up with multi-talented Founder, Wendy Asumadu in our Influencer of the Month blog next week.
Malika [ @mlkclara ]
Shaniya [ @supposed.too ]
Keisha [ @keikeimua ]
Lynda [ @lythegoodtree ]
Don't forget to follow EditorialBLK on Instagram here and check out all of the women featured via their handles for more creative and inspiring content.

Babes On Waves Club is a members club where Black, Brown and underrepresented creative minds come to connect. Statistics around Black, Asian and other POC groups across business, household income and confidence is shocking, which is why BOW prioritise Black women, women of colour and non-binary people in their membership. You get access to exclusive events, workshops and get to connect and network with like minded people at some epic socials! Check out their website for more information on how to become a Babe now!
Blueprint For All is a charity organisation that works with young people, communities and organisations to create an inclusive society. They believe in a future where talent is respected and nurtured, irrespective of where it comes from and their high impact programmes work to give the best possible chance of making a difference in the world whilst driving systemic change in organisations and society. Check out their website here for more information on how to get involved.
“Entering its 35th year of celebration, Black History Month 2022 UK runs throughout the month of October. This year's theme, Time for Change: Action Not Words, focuses on the double-burden black people carry: experiencing racism and discrimination and then being expected to fix the problem themselves.”
- Catherine Ross, Black History Month Editorial team
- Raise money for charity
- Buy from Black owned businesses
- Watch black cinema, TV, theatre
- Read Black authors
- Educate yourself, it’s not upto Black people and NBPOC to teach everything.
- Champion Diversity and tackle discrimination in workplace
- Talk about it. Don’t be a bystander.
There are many ways to pay tribute and you can find more excellent resources and stories shared by Black communities and allies on the Black History Month website. They also provide lots of articles on Black history, including a fantastic read on The Windrush generations' experience from arrival in the UK, expressed through music and much more about The Windrush Scandal that is ongoing from 2018.
"Yes, Black History Month is a time to celebrate black history, heritage and culture, and the iconic figures that have contributed so much, but this year, let’s make it about so much more. If you’re serious about allyship, it’s Time for Change: Action Not Words."
- Catherine Ross, Black History Month Editorial team
Erin O'Neill